Sunday, August 4, 2013

Using and abusing social media...

is generally a hot topic. Based on your generation, location, and most of all your personality you'll stand by a specific boundary where using turns into abusing. Of course this goes for most any thing. Language into cursing, comedies into offensive material, and should children be allowed to play with toys with loose plastic eyes or not?

As humans I believe we are bound to conflicts, confrontation, and collectivism. We identify a "problem", create the "problem" and then we take a stand against or for it, often divided into two sides relying on the counter arguments or the other side.

Passivity and "agressivity" have become driving forces in debates. You have a problem? Well, we have a problem with you having a problem!

That's the way it's always been, and look how well that's worked out!

We need change, development is the only way forward!

Rome wasn't built in a day!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! (Okay, fair enough, I added this one our of pure sarcasm/irony who knows what is what anyways, none of you people reading it certainly.(And you should always have an even number of arguments. I'm a sucker for even numbers))

*Ahem*... Right, back to the point. Social media is expanding, and you can't find a respectable company that doesn't have a Facebook page. Television? Sure, there are advertisements on there, you've probably come across one or two. Amish? Maybe not so much social media.

My generation (in general) is constantly connected. Internet to your phone, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, etc etc etc. I spend countless hours each day either in front of the computer or my phone! Break at work? Of course I'll bring my phone to play Candy Crush Saga for 10 min. Lunch? I'll check Instagram, then Tumblr, then Facebook, then over again.

So am I a user or an abuser? I would say that if I did not have a semi-respectable job to go to each day, I'd be an abuser. Now my main focus in life is not technology (even though I technically spend 7 hours a day at work on les interwebs too). It's purely for recreational use. But then again, that's what all the druggies call it, isn't it?

Well, this has been a lot of fun, if you feel like sharing your thoughts on social media and our use of it feel free. There is no toll charge on the comments box!

By yours truly, ETBlogsHome 2013-08-04

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